Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jay Z Neighbors Don't Like Him; Speaks On 50 Cent Comment About Kanye

Jay-Z was so angry at the residents in his apartment building who objected to his who moving there that he deliberately tries to antagonize them as often as possible.

"My neighbors didn't want me in the building, it was a whole big thing, it was really racist. They didn't want me in so I bought the biggest place there," he told BBC radio's Trevor Nelson. "They have a board and voting is based on how much of the property share you have so I have the biggest share and I go down just to vote on things I don't care about just to tick 'em off.

"I guess they think I'm having parties and there's shootings going on, but I have normal breakfasts and lunches. My friends come over - accountants and bankers - and I make them all wear black so the neighbors think they're gangsters. It's fun."

During that same interview, Jigga was asked if Kanye West was picking his battles since he got on stage during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the Video Music Awards to which HOV replied that Kanye would have gotten on stage even if 50 Cent was up there. Jay Z ain't noooooooobody scared of Curtis, lol!

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