Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Update: That Isn't Beyonce Screeching

Well it is GOOD to know that, that screeching that I heard earlier of Beyonce, it's not really her. Praise him from Heaven on HIGH!

If you missed the catastrophe, Hear This
Since then, Papa Knowles has spoke up for his daughter, and basically said anyone who ever believed that was B, are “idiots.”

In a fiery statement to TMZ, Matthew Knowles, says his daughter was set up. “If no one took the time to look at the biggest Inauguration in the history of America then shame on them. If no one took the time to listen to Beyonce sing ‘America the Beautiful’ and ‘At Last’ at the Neighborhood Ball for the first dance of President Obama and the First Lady, and they question Beyonce’s vocal ability, they’ve gotta be an idiot. At 12 years into her career, the last thing someone should be questioning is her vocal ability. That would be like questioning if Kobe Bryant could shoot a jump shot. The vocals were obviously altered.”

Kels Sidbar: I don't care if it's true or not, it was FUNNY as hell!

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