Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weezy & Lauren's Baby, or Maybe Not!

Lil Wayne may only have one baby on the way (most dudes would be happy as hell, lol). Though he's reportedly expecting children with Nivea and Lauren London this fall, a few folks believe London's baby isn't is. Amonth the doubters are reportedly, Toya Carter, and Nivea-herself.

But a source tells that Wayne is so sure he's the father of London's baby that "he doesn't want to take the paternity test."!

Now, I was told today that the child could possibly be the seed of the co-host of a popular video show that comes on 6p on a a certain network! Things that make you go hmmmm....

This sh*t sound like something for Maury! Can someone get him or Egypt on the line so we can set this show up for TV sweeps!

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