Friday, December 4, 2009

Pleasure P Speaks On Molestation Accusations

Via his website, Pleasure P has issued a statement regarding the child molestation accusations:

“All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “AGoldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.”
This whole situation stills sounds fishy!

Leader of Pretty Ricky, Diamond Blue, tweeted "Pleasure P's lawyers had the documents sealed. Bluestar (label) supported Pretty Ricky kicking him out the group."

As more updates come in, I will keep you updated! You know what they say, what happens in the dark, comes to light. Where is this lawyer that supposedly represented him? Can he speak?

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