Monday, December 7, 2009

Dru Hill Returns....Pleasure P To Speak

Tomorrow is gonna be a BIG DAY in Baltimore!

Tomorrow, Pleasure P is supposed to appear on The Rickey Smiley Morning Show to talk about what is really going on in the alleged Child Molestation case.

Then, at 4pm, the BIGGEST group out of Baltimore-Dru Hill--is set to premiere their new song, as they get ready to release their new album.

You remember what happened last time, Dru Hill(Sisqo, Nokio, Woody, and Jazz) came together...

Since this, Woody went his seperate way...and Tao was brought into the group

Now, I have been promised that there would not be ANY drama, but just in case anything pops off, you know your boy will be right there as it unfolds.

Make sure you tune into 92Q Jams or listen online at

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