Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gone Too Soon? Kanye Gives Amber Rose The Boot!

I'm actually suprised that the "relationship" lasted this long. From the jump, I didn't think it was a good look for Ye'. I honestly thought she was just trying to be a media whore, and it looks like I was right! reported this:

"According to my source, Kanye has ended their relationship due to Amber trying to sneak out on him with another MC. Apparently while Ye is hard at work in Hawaii on Rihanna and Jay-Z’s albums, among others, Amber’s been trying to step out him with none other then Philly rapper Cassidy."

Some folks just don't get it. I don't agree with cheating on anyone. If your not feeling the person, let them know. BUT.....BUT, matter of fact lemme say it a third time....BUT, if your going to cheat, you do better! Amber, you chose to creep out on Kanye with Cassidy? Really? She wasn't as smart as I thought.

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