Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Urban Informer Interview With Ace Hood

Just days before his debut album dropped, I got a chance to interview Florida's own, Antoine McColister, you may know him as Ace Hood-DJ Khaled's artist from the MIA. As I waited for Ace to finish up that last bite of Quizno's, I wondered how the interview would come out. My intern and I were going over the questions and trying to guess how Ace would be. Sometimes, you get these new artist who feel they have already reached the top. Other times, you get new artist who are hungry for the exposure, reluctant to answer any questions thrown at them, humble, understand the business, and ready to embark on the world. In the middle of my thought, Def Jam Regional Mid-Atlantic Rep, Nicolle McCarty walks Ace into the studio, and the rest is history: Peep This!

So after talking about his desire to work with Keyshia Cole and Robin Thicke, and what led him to start rapping-we talked about his collaboration with Trey Songz, how he wants to be the next Diddy, and who knew that Ace can cook? Peep This!

He was handling the interview like a pro, but you know The Urban Informer had to turn the heat up. I asked who does he think his competition is, where he got the name Ace Hood from, his most embarassing moment, and we played The Name Game. Peep This!

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